Hiroshima Prefecture
I'm from Hiroshima and I live in Hiroshima now. But in Hiroshima university, there are a lot of people who is not from Hiroshima. So, today I introduce you recommended places in Hiroshima.
Miyajima is Japanese three most famous views. There are a lot of deer in Miyajima. The most famous spot in Miyajima is Torii. Torii soak in the sea when it is high tide, but in low tide, you can approach to torii. However, Torii is under renovation now, so you can't see beautiful Torii. If you want to see Torii, you should go Miyajima two years later.
②Peace Memorial Park
Hiroshima is the first place which was dropped nuclear bomb. It is important to know that time and understand about nuclear bomb. Genbaku dome is registered as a World Heritage Site.
③Yamato museum
Yamato museum is in Kure city. Kure was famous for making ship and Senkan Yamato is one of the most famous battle ship in Japan. You can learn about the role of Senkan Yamato and change of battle field from sea to sky.